Laboratory Technician (ref. 2401)


• Conduct and plan experimental work in an independent fashion with support of lead scientist and in collaboration with fellow lab technicians. • Perform low to high throughput molecular cloning and quality control thereof in yeast, filamentous fungi and/or bacteria. • Set-up and conduct screenings to assess enzyme production using state-of-the-art liquid handlers.


• BSc or equivalent experience in Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and/or Microbiology.  • Experience with enzyme expression and/or strain engineering (yeast, bacteria and/or filamentous fungi) • >3 years of working experience in life sciences laboratory, within an R&D and/or innovation environment. • A can-do attitude, independent work ethic and a preference for high paced projects. • Excellent communication skills in English, both verbal and in writing.


The conditions of employment are up to market standards.


Please send your application through our website.

Varsha Balesar +31 6 21 25 48 20


Company profile

Information available upon request.
Location Zuid-Holland
Laboratory Technician (ref. 2401)

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