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Twenty Years, Countless Careers: BCF Career Event's Impact on Life Sciences

Twenty Years, Countless Careers: BCF Career Event's Impact on Life Sciences

Celebrating a milestone, BCF Career Event, the premier life sciences career fair in the Benelux, marks its 20th anniversary this year. For two decades, it has been a launchpad for countless life sciences professionals and students, many of whom have advanced their careers forward through this event. In honor of this significant anniversary, we've gathered insights from stalwarts like CLS Services and CheckMark Labrecruitment—companies that have stood with the event since its inception. We also feature reflections from Haifen Hu, the founder, and Laura Hillege, who has helmed the project for a decade. This article delves into a wealth of experiences, observed industry trends, and invaluable career advice accumulated over a combined century in the life sciences. Join us in exploring the profound impact of this illustrious event on the careers it has shaped.

"From niche concept to cornerstone of the sector: The Story of Hyphen Projects"

Hyphen Projects, established in 2004, emerged from a simple observation by the founder Haifen Hu when she was a student at Wageningen University—the lack of clear career pathways for life sciences students. What started as an idea has grown into a cornerstone of the life sciences community, facilitating events, courses, and networks that shape careers and advance the industry. This interview with Haifen Hu delves into the founding, key milestones, and enduring influence of Hyphen Projects, reflecting on its role in enriching the life sciences sector over the past two decades.

Why did you start Hyphen Projects?
The first seeds of Hyphen Projects trace back to late nineties when I was studying Biotechnology at Wageningen University and organized a university-broad career week. I noticed that there was a lack of information for students on what the different career options in life sciences are outside academia. After my first job for BioPartner early 2000's, I decided to start my own company in 2004 and address this unmet need by organizing national career event specifically for Life sciences. Post-graduation, while working at BioPartner, the absence of a dedicated platform for career development and orientation in the life sciences became even more apparent.

Can you highlight a few key milestones in the history of Hyphen Projects that were pivotal to its success and its role in the larger Life Sciences ecosystem? 

In 2008, the addition of the BioBusiness Summer School signified a leap forward, broadening the horizon for academics seeking to blend scientific expertise with business acumen. This was followed by the launch of the Innovation for Health conference in 2014, a seminal event that brought together key players from various sectors to foster innovation, collaboration and valorisation in health and life sciences.

Beyond these standout events, Hyphen Projects has continuously expanded its activities to include specialized courses, news outlets like BiotechNEWS magazine, and other initiatives such as TOPX Network that cater to a wide spectrum of needs within the life sciences community. This expansion has not only enriched the sector's knowledge base but has also created a vibrant network of professionals, companies, and investors all engaged in a dynamic exchange of ideas, resources, and opportunities.

As Hyphen Projects evolved, it became more than just an organizer of events; it transformed into a trusted partner for a myriad of stakeholders within the life sciences field. From aiding jobseekers in their career paths to assisting companies in their growth and development strategies, the impact of Hyphen Projects is both broad and deep, touching on career development, business growth, inclusivity, and scientific advancement. This comprehensive approach has solidified Hyphen Projects' status as a cornerstone of the life sciences ecosystem, driving progress and innovation at every level.


Based on 20 years of experience with Hyphen Projects, what advice would you give to professionals just starting their careers in the life sciences field?

Find your “Ikigai”: One of the main points of advice I would give is to find your "Ikigai" – a Japanese concept, meaning "a reason for being", which emphasizes the importance of discovering one's drive, passions and motivations. It is important to carve out a unique niche, to differentiate yourselves through excellence and a relentless pursuit of quality. When you have found your ikigai this allows you to hone your key competencies to exceptional levels.

Build your reputation and network: Your life sciences journey is not about meticulously planning every step but about building a strong reputation and a robust network. These are the cornerstones of a successful career. This extends to adopting a perspective that always considers others' point of view and relating to what matters to them.

Asking for feedback: Lastly, proactively seeking feedback is a vital tool for growth. This holistic approach, blending personal development with professional excellence, offers a roadmap for thriving.


What have been some of the most valuable lessons you've learned through your experience with Hyphen Projects?

One of the main lessons I learned is that the definition of success is fluid of nature.  Initially I was driven by the conventional markers of success, such as securing a job or achieving business growth in revenue and number of employees. At some point I realized however that that growth for the sake of growth could lead to less entrepreneurship and more management, moving away from what I genuinely find enjoyable.

Another key insight for me has been the importance of occasionally stepping into the spotlight. Despite the discomfort it may bring, embracing visibility has been instrumental for both personal development and the advancement of the organization. It underlines the value of seizing opportunities for exposure.

The importance of teamwork and team spirit has also emerged as a pivotal lesson, with a shift in focus towards nurturing a cohesive team rather than concentrating solely on project outcomes. The joy and fulfillment derived from a harmonious team dynamic underscores the significance of interpersonal relationships in the workplace.

Lastly, something I learned I celebrating achievements and recognizing the journey's milestones are essential for a balanced and fulfilling professional life, reminding us to appreciate our accomplishments rather than fixating solely on future goals or failures that are also prevalent in entrepreneurship.

"Two decades of helping jobseekers: Celebrating BCF Career Event's anniversary with CLS Services and CheckMark Labrecruitment"

For the past twenty years, the BCF Career Event has been a focal point for industry professionals in life sciences, food and chemistry, drawing main sponsors like CLS Services and exhibitors such as CheckMark Labrecruitment. This article explores why these companies consider the event unmissable and how it has evolved alongside the sector it serves. Through interviews with industry veterans Jan Paul Favier and René Kemps from CLS, and Sven Hemmink from CheckMark, we uncover the long-term impact of their participation, the shifting dynamics of the life sciences labor market and their advice for jobseekers.

 Afbeelding met kleding, persoon, Menselijk gezicht, glimlach  Automatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

CLS Services is proud main sponsor in all BCF Career Event editions over the past twenty years: a career event they obviously do not want to miss. Why is that?

 Jan Paul Favier: “Since the very first edition we participated in the BCF Career Event. For almost 20 years now, we aim to be market leader in Life Sciences and Chemistry recruitment in The Netherlands. At this event we present ourselves and we can meet and connect with talents directly. We prefer long term partnerships that align with our promise: Dedicated to Excellence. Our presence at BCF Career Event for such a long time meets how we roll: do something extremely well or don’t even start. We always make sure people recognise us and remember us afterwards.”


How has the event and the sector evolved over the past two decades?
René Kemps: “Over the years BCF has grown in size, with more participating companies and visitors. This is in line with sector developments as we saw a growing number of companies and people employed in the Life Sciences sector. Twenty years ago, large companies had a (corporate) R&D department in the Netherlands, like DSM and Astellas. Nowadays it is a challenging time. Yes, we see many start-ups in Life Sciences but this growth has unfortunately not translated into more grown-up companies, exceptions are e.g. Crucell/J&J, Galapagos, Genmab and Pharming. If Dutch government stimulates the investment climate and businesses in Life Sciences, we are confident that the Netherlands can stand out again on innovation and development in this sector. It will provide necessary stability for companies to grow and acquire even more talented specialists.”


Based on the decades of experience you both have in Life Sciences, which advice would you give to professionals working in Life Sciences?

Jan Paul: “At CLS Services we all have a professional background in Chemistry or Life Sciences. That is why we know exactly what talents and clients are going through. We always advise people to find a job they are enthusiastic about and enjoy but be realistic at the same time. Let’s be honest, every job will have aspects you enjoy less. If you are happy in your job for about 90%, we think you are doing really well. About career planning make sure to have a short term and a long-term goal. Think always one or two job steps ahead to also allow for serendipity. If a job, even temporary, can bring you closer to your goal, just take that opportunity and make sure to make the most of it. Learn as much as possible and broaden your horizons.”

René continues: “How to find a great job? We strongly advise to focus on building and using your network and avoid using boilerplate application letters. A short, interesting and tailored letter is much more appealing than a long generic one. Show us the real you. We see more and more candidates using ChatGPT for writing letters. Stay away from generic. I mean, ChatGPT is a great inspiration, but make sure we can recognize your personality in that letter. Your application is about you.”



Afbeelding met kleding, person, persoon, pak  Automatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

CheckMark has exhibited in all BCF Career Event editions in the past twenty years: why is this a career event you do not want to miss? What makes this career event different from others?

The BCF Career Event is unique as it's the only career fair specifically tailored for the chemistry and life sciences sectors—our industry's niche. Prior to BCF, career fairs were too broad, seldom connecting us with relevant talents. Unlike general or product-focused trade fairs, BCF uniquely combines recruiters, companies and candidates, fulfilling a vital need from the outset. It has grown into a serious, thriving event, outlasting other lab career initiatives. Being the sole in-person career fair in this field, it attracts all relevant parties, making it essential for us to be present.

How have you seen the labour market (demands and expectations of employers and professionals) in the life sciences field change over the past 20 years?

Over the past 20 years, the life sciences field has dramatically expanded and evolved. Two decades ago, the number of jobs and the size of biotech companies were considerably smaller. The sector has since witnessed a surge in demand for professionals, transitioning from a predominantly scientific focus to encompass broader roles in development, production, and quality control. This maturation is reflected, for example, in educational trends, with the number of students majoring in the life sciences surpassing those in chemistry for many years now. The industry has become more tangible and offers wider career perspectives, changes that are highlighted and facilitated by specialized events like the BCF Career Event.

Can you share a particularly inspiring/memorable success story of a connection made or opportunity realized through the BCF Career Event?

At the BCF Career Event, we've encountered numerous individuals whom we've successfully guided into fulfilling roles within their field. The internet, vast as it is, doesn't always facilitate such serendipitous connections. Our participation in the event has catalyzed a multitude of opportunities, such as for PhDs struggling to make the shift from academia to the corporate world. A memorable highlight was assisting a postdoctoral candidate, who was uncertain about his prospects in the industry, by leveraging our company's network to secure a position that aligned perfectly with his skills and aspirations. It's these transformative encounters that underscore the value and impact of the BCF Career Event.

What emerging trends in life sciences are you most excited about, and how can those be addressed in future editions of the BCF Career Event?

One exciting emerging trend in the life sciences is the increasing integration of automation within laboratories. Advancements in robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are revolutionizing how routine tasks, like pipetting, are performed. These technologies enhance efficiency and accuracy. They open new avenues for research and development. At future BCF Career Events, addressing this trend could involve dedicated sessions or workshops on laboratory automation, showcasing cutting-edge technologies, and connecting attendees with companies at the forefront of these innovations. Emphasizing automation could also guide job seekers toward the necessary skills and education paths to thrive in this evolving landscape.

Based on your extensive experience, what advice would you give to attendees to make the most out of their participation in the BCF Career Event?

Based on our experiences, the key to maximizing your BCF Career Event participation is engagement. Speak with as many parties as possible to understand what they do. Keep initial conversations brief for efficient exploration. Engaging in dialogue often leads to unexpected and enlightening outcomes. Through these interactions, you'll gain clarity on what you seek or wish to avoid in an employer, helping you to refine your career path and make informed decisions. Embrace the opportunity to discover and be open to the diverse possibilities the event presents.


Navigating career growth and innovation: A Decade with BCF Career Event's Project Leader Laura Hillege

Over the span of the last decade that I worked here, BCF Career Event has undergone a transformative journey, adapting and growing in tandem with the ever-evolving life sciences sector. Initially, during the aftermath of the financial and economic crisis of 2008, the unemployment rate was very high and jobseekers had immense difficulties in landing jobs. As the market dynamics shifted from the unemployment of the financial crisis to a period of labor shortage, coupled with the rise of online platforms like LinkedIn, our emphasis pivoted towards engaging more directly with attendees. For example, we transitioned from traditional offline marketing strategies such as posters and flyers to a robust online presence with amongst others an online career event, career articles and fostering an online community with personal communication with the attendees via LinkedIn. Furthermore, in 2018 we expanded our career events to the Benelux and over the past years we also see more and more countries from all over the EU join BCF Career Event to attract employees to outside of the Benelux. 

The most rewarding aspect for me of leading the BCF Career Event has been the personal connections forged over the years. Witnessing inspired attendees, observing the success of the event in real-time, and hearing firsthand from either employers or job seekers how candidates landed jobs through our activities, has been incredibly fulfilling. It's heartening to see companies, some of which have been with us since our inception in 2005, like CLS Services and CheckMark Labrecruitment, continue to find immense value in the event. Some companies even fulfill their annual recruitment needs solely through their participation in BCF Career Event.  

Looking forward, our primary goal will be to assist job seekers at every stage of their career path within the life sciences domain. Our aim is to not only remain the premier Life Sciences career event but also to aid start-up companies in attracting top talent, thereby fostering their growth and benefitting patients, the environment and society. We will place a significant emphasis on career alignment, ensuring professionals find not just a job, but a role that truly resonates with their passion and values. Furthermore, we are incorporating inclusivity and diversity into our events via our TOPX network, ensuring the BCF Career platform evolves to meet the nuanced needs of our community.  

My advice for new professionals in the life sciences is centered around principles of action, balance, and reflection.

  • Don’t hesitate and dive in to explore various opportunities, from internships and secondment to full-time positions, remembering that each experience is a step forward and a chance to learn. Trust your intuition; it's a guide that often leads to more (job) satisfaction than lengthy deliberation.
  • Balance is key: find a job you love, and make sure to get energy from it to also fully enjoy your days off. Embrace the Pareto principle by focusing on what truly matters.
  • Cultivate a strong network; relationships are the scaffolding of your career and you can learn immensely from them. Engage with people diverse perspectives to broaden your own, and actively seek feedback to understand the impact of your actions.   



Shaping Careers, Advancing Industry: 20 Years of BCF Career Event
As we mark the twentieth anniversary of the BCF Career Event, it's clear that its significance extends far beyond a mere gathering point for job seekers and employers. Over the past two decades, this event has been pivotal in shaping the trajectory of countless careers in the life sciences, food, and chemistry sectors. Industry leaders like CLS Services and CheckMark Labrecruitment have consistently found value in the event, proving it to be an essential platform for networking and career advancement. The evolving demands of the labor market and the insightful anecdotes from participants underscore the BCF Career Event's vital role in driving innovation and fostering professional growth in the life sciences ecosystem. This anniversary not only celebrates past achievements but also sets the stage for future advancements in this exciting field.

Name: Franziska Mortensen
Found a job: at Merus as Scientist in 2018
Currently working as: Associate Director at Merus
How has BCF helped you?

The exhibitors and sessions at the event were very useful. Particularly the session about entrepreneurship because it helped me to understand that people that work in Biotech take risks and need to make sure that things happen.

What advice would you have for jobseekers?
Step into the shoes of the hiring company: what are their challenges, and how could you help them to succeed. The BCF platform provides great sessions to find answers to both questions.


Name: Juliette de Vries
Found a job: at GenDx as Junior bioinformatician in 2023
How has BCF helped you?

There were several aspects which helped me in finding a job. First of all, I followed a presentation of GenDx during one of the sessions. After that talk, I went to find some colleagues of GenDx among the exhibitors, and here I had an inspiring conversation that made me apply for a job later that week. In the presentation, I learned about the company values, the molecular diagnostic tools they develop and market (for transplantation purposes) and how people at GenDx experience their work on a daily basis. The same enthusiasm I felt during the presentation, I encountered during the conversation I had at their booth.
What advice would you have for jobseekers?
Remember, beyond technical skills, the culture and values of a company matter greatly. When I started looking for a job, at first, I mainly looked at (online) vacancies that matched my interests in performing research within the field of genetics. Due to the career event, I started looking for companies that I would like to work for instead. My experience has shown me the importance of finding a workplace aligned with my values. GenDx not only offers exciting work in genetics, but also a culture of helping patients and sharing knowledge.







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