As an independent company, Oncolines will now be singularly focused on offering the best precision medicine services in oncology and cancer immunotherapy for our clients. Our Oncolines™ cancer cell line panels can identify drug response biomarkers, new disease indications, and synergistic drug combinations. Get the data you need from our analysis in our ready-to-use exclusive interactive format, which facilitates easier and faster interpretation of results. Now being a dedicated services company, we can tailor our processes to be as efficient for your project as possible. We have a short, six-week turnaround time for delivering your results, and we provide the in-depth expert analysis and consultation you need to make the most informed decisions on the next steps for your project.
From early drug discovery through late clinical and approved therapies, Oncolines can support your drug development project’s needs.
When you need to uncover the mechanism of action of your compound, we can perform comparative analyses and in-depth bioinformatics. In addition to cancer cell panel profiling, we perform gene and protein expression analysis, DNA, and RNA sequencing. We offer a set of complementary services to enable you to characterize your drug or drug candidate, determine its activity, selectivity, and differentiation. We share our expert knowledge in cancer biology and drug development.
Oncolines™ Profiling is the best-in-class parallel profiling assay for cancer drugs. Clients can order full-panel profiling or choose a subset of cell lines from our collection of more than 200 cell lines. Clients can select cell lines based on specific characteristics, such as tumor origin, gene mutations, or expression of certain genes. The drug sensitivity of the Oncolines™ cancer cell lines is determined in cell proliferation assays and correlated to the cancer gene mutation status of the cell lines or the expression levels of cancer genes. This yields novel candidate drug sensitivity biomarkers for proof-of-concept studies and clinical trials.
Contact us at Oncolines for an in-depth analysis of biological mechanisms and pathways related to your drug rapidly delivered from a company that cares about you and your compound.
About Oncolines
Oncolines B.V. is a precision medicine services company in oncology and cancer immunotherapy. We help to bring improved and novel therapies to the right patient population faster. We offer a set of complimentary services to enable our clients to characterize their compounds, and to determine activities, selectivities and mechanism of action. We present results in a unique and interactive reporting format that facilitates easier and faster interpretation of results. For more info: