Over the course of two years, Formorrow's Life Sciences Academy provides individuals with comprehensive knowledge know to kickstart your career and excel as a versatile professional. We dive deeper, to look further ahead. That makes the Life Sciences Academy the best foundation for a future in life sciences. To help shed light on Formorrow's added value and what the company does, we interviewed Sumit DebRoy, a former Transfer Scientist at a renowned pharmaceutical company.
Sumit, can you tell us about your first impression of Formorrow and why you chose to become part of the Formorrow academy?
Despite being relatively unknown to them, Formorrow really made an effort by reaching out to me to make me feel welcome from the start. They even sent me some goodies! My first impression was that the team was incredibly friendly and based on the effort they put into making me feel welcome, I was confident that I would enjoy my time with Formorrow.
What you are your thoughts on Formorrow's Discovery Day and the matching process?
In my experience, Formorrow has one of the most well-thought-out methods of finding the right match. I've never encountered a company that pays so much attention to detail. Other employment agencies often just ask you what you're looking for and offer you a job. Formorrow takes the time to get to know you personally so that they can match you with a job that truly fits your needs.
What are your thoughts on the coaching that Formorrow provides? What are your key takeaways from your coaching sessions?
I'm very thankful for all the coaching sessions as they were incredibly valuable. My coach was patient and warm, and really took the time to listen to me. I appreciated her approach, and it helped me learn things about myself that are still useful to me today. The key takeaways from our sessions for me were becoming a better listener and more patient.
What was your experience with the Formorrow community?
Unfortunately, my time with Formorrow was during the pandemic, so, I attended all the fun activities on line. Even then, I felt the connection to the community. I appreciated all the effort that they put in to make me feel like I was part of the community. I did, however, have the opportunity to attend the Formorrow-festival. And I'm glad that I had this opportunity as I got to meet my fellow 'Formorrow'ers' and the event itself was lots of fun.
Of all the training you received from Formorrow, which was the most valuable to you and why?
The teamwork training was the most valuable for me because it taught me that everyone communicates differently, and how I can adapt my own communication style accordingly. I still use the knowledge gained from that training in my day-to-day interactions and I think it's great that in addition to a salary, Formorrow offers valuable knowledge and growth opportunities.
In your opinion, what is the added value of the Formorrow Academy?
In my opinion, the coaching and training are the most valuable aspects. I appreciate that Formorrow encourages and allows individuals to develop themselves. The experience has contributed significantly to my professional and personal growth. As mentioned earlier, Formorrow offers more than just a salary, they offer individuals the opportunity to invest in themselves.
Why would you recommend Formorrow to others?
I'd recommend Formorrow because of the personal growth opportunity they offer and to anyone who is searching for a job that really fits their needs and abilities.
What was your favorite moment during your time with Formorrow?
The take-off weekend was my favorite moment. Besides the fun evenings with my group, I enjoyed the team-building exercises, as well as the valuable insights I gained about myself during this weekend.
At Formorrow, you're prepared for a career that's built around you. This means: knowing who you are to become who you want to be. In a thorough training programme focused on personal development and effectiveness you'll learn what makes you tick, what energises you, how to work together optimally ... and almost importantly, how to excel as yourself. Interested in what Formorrow can mean for your future? Discover it by clicking on this link. Or get in contact with Inge Lebbink (06 - 31791869) or Maryam Wahedi (06- 21992082). Lastly, we'd like to thank Sumit for his time!

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